Monday, March 22, 2010

Avatar music

I did not get a chance to see the movie, however I did listen to the soundtrack online. My perception of the music is hindered from not viewing it with the accompanying visuals that are an integral part of the music culture because the movie is made for a movie. However upon listening to the just the soundtrack and having a vague idea of what the movie is about, I can tell that the composer went for a tribal feeling of the music. What i mean by that, is most of the music is fast paced and has heavy drumming for the feeling of tribal roots and being set in a forest. When listening to the music it seems that a key instrument incorporated was a wood block which seems to enhance the setting of of a forest type area. However because this is an alien race, and the movie is set in the future, one can hear electronic instruments used to enhance this feeling. It seems as if the ethnomusicologist translated the music culture of Native Americans to the big screen and digitally remastered for the futuristic alien feeling. Most of the songs feel fast as if someone/something is running most of the music is really upbeat and tends to be over the top and goes for an epic feeling. The view vocals that are dispersed through the soundtrack seem over dramatic just to further emphasize the feeling of foreign alien lands.

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